
Walt Disney Co. creates a new emblem for Uhlich at the suggestion of Superintendent Rev. Lee Rockwell who said morale was boosted by other Disney emblems.


Possibly anticipating changing social norms and demographic shifts, the admission policy for Uhlich Orphan Home states: “No child shall be disqualified from admission to Uhlich Home solely because his language or religion are different from ours.”


The Christmas Gift Fund is fulfilled once again via the Fall Sale and efforts of officers, committees and donations. The Uhlich children receive holiday gifts presented by the President of the Uhlich Woman’s Aid Society. (December 10)


On July 12, 1955, the Uhlich Orphan Asylum’s bylaws are changed to reflect automatic inclusion of the president of the Women’s Aid Society to the home’s board of managers.


In June 1957, Illinois Gov. William Stratton signs Senate Bill 91 that provides for a payment of up to $60 per month for all public wards in foster homes or in children’s home like Uhlich.